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Necron Terrain - Research

The Warhammer Alliance packs contain everything you need to get a taste of building, painting and playing Warhammer. I'm concentrating on the Warhammer 40k part of the pack...

Necron Terrain - preamble

Warhammer Alliance have partnered with the Scouts in the UK, proudly sponsoring the Model Maker Activity Badge 

Space Marine - Take 2

Not content with my last marine, I decided to have another go.

Battle Ready Space Marine

My very first attempt at painting a Warhammer 40k Space Marine. Not the easiest figures to paint if you decided to fully assemble them before painting. I probably spent a fair amount of time correcting mistakes a made while tired. Definitely not my best work but was having a go at if only to work out what not to do.


photography art shoot

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3d Printing

3d printing

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