In my haste to spray paint before it began to start raining, I forgot to take photos of the construction process. I didn't start with a plan - just used my craft knife, cutting mat, straight(ish) piece of metal (I couldn't find my ruler) and PVA glue.

Things didn't go too well. When it comes to PVA glue and cardboard, less is more. The cardboard warped while the glue dried - probably due to becoming a little to wet. Even though I doubled up the cardboard in places, the structures were still a little too flimsy.

Its hard to see in the photos but the paint job isn't too bad. I used a mixture of spray paints - black, white, red and yellow. I can see myself using this combination in the future.

Not a total waste of a day but more experimenting is definitely required.


photography art shoot

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3d Printing

3d printing

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Anime / Art

anime girl inkscape

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