Gone are the days when I'd run down to Tandy or Maplins to get the electronic components I needed for a project. Gone are the days of thumbing through thick catalogues or walking through the aisles to see what was new and exciting. 

It seems near impossible to find electronics shops near me. Stores with staff that know their stuff and can advise you.

While Tandy and Maplin still exist online I think they're missing a trick. Yes, you can buy components from them but where is the wealth of knowledge you want from the bearded guy behind the counter?

Don't fret, newer online stores have the solution...

Adafruit has you covered. As well as selling components, kits and basically anything you want as a hobbyist, Adafruit also has a wealth of guides on how to use the kit they sell. They are also the ones behind CircuitPython (a derivative of MicroPython), porting it to many of the products they develop and sell.

For those in the UK, Proto-Pic is one to check out. They stock Adafruit products and also have a number of courses in their Academy.

3d Printing

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