While preparing to get everything ready for post-production, I realised that my videos would need a bit of jazzing up - enter Blender 2.93.

What I'm working on is a short intro title video, something to slot in between the intro/teaser blurb and the main feature. Alternatively, I'm looking for something I can use at the start of the video to talk over before jumping into the main video - no longer than 30 seconds and something that isn't simply a static image.

It has been a while since I've tinkered with blender and it is taking me a some time to get to grips with the latest changes. The intro is simply animated text, a few animated light points and an animated camera. To avoid static text, the lead out uses a light point with its intensity handled by a noise modifier. For its simplicity, I don't think it is too bad (I'm a minimalist at heart). What do you think?

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