... a whole lot of fun.

Welcome to Kill House Airsoft.

My youngest son and I had the pleasure of attending an event at The Creek. Turnout was lower than normal due to the rain but that that just enhanced our first experience of Airsoft.

We turned up early, dressed in what camo like gear we had to hand plus some sturdy boots and a packed lunch. After signing in we were handed our equipment and an explanation on how to use it. The hire package included a machine gun, ammo and protective head gear (which reminded me of the head gear I wore for fencing lessons).

Equipment in hand, we headed down to the hut to meet the rest of the group. Everyone we met was friendly and willing to show us the ropes. We were split into two teams and coloured tape wrapped around our arms to identify which team we belonged to. Next came the briefing - safety , no go zones, team spawn locations, etc. We then headed out and the mission began...

The mission... capture and hold a control point. The control points are numbered and appear on the map handed out during the briefing. The control point to capture changed throughout the day. The terrain was interesting and, as the name suggest, has a creek running through. You can cross via a number of bridges or wade through it. Buildings (the village) can be found next to the creek along with other cover (trees, bushes, fencing, a car, etc). The heavy rain we'd had that week led to slippery embankments and muddy puddles.

I'm not one for leaving the house when its raining let alone traipsing through mud unless there is a goal. My last goal was the reaching the end of the West Highland Way - it did rain and parts were muddy - Today's goal was to capture the control points. I found myself crawling through grass, sliding down muddy embankments, wading through the creek and boggy sections and I enjoyed every minute of it. Getting hit by the plastic pellets didn't hurt as much as I would have thought, probably due to the the long range I was hit from. At close range players would shout "bang bang"  rather than pelt me at close range.

As an introduction to Airsoft, I could have wished for a better day. I'm looking forward to going back again soon.

A few tips...

When driving there, approach from the M62 side as coming from the other direction involves a long stretch of single track roads.

When booking, you may need to temporarily turn off Firefox's Enhanced Tracking Protection and/or DuckDuckGo's Site Privacy Protection to get the form to work properly and display the Book Now button.

You'll get dirty. I had a tarp in the back of my car and an extra set of clothes so the car didn't get too muddy on the way home.

Have Fun.



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