The kids like Pikachu, I like Pikachu, lets print lots of Pikachu...

I'm using the CoLiDo DIY 3D Printer (my first 3D Printer) and embeddedjunkie's  Low-Poly Pikachu Pokemon model.

Loading the model into Slic3r, scaling to 200% with honeycomb fill. Some hours later and...

Its not too bad, I should have probably have calibrated my printer again before I started to print.

Right, now to do it with no infill, save some money and time.

Hmm, that didn't work. Part way into the prints the nozzle head dragged the models off the platter. Grrr.

Back to the drawing board. Lets try printing without scaling...

Almost. Everything seems ok until the top layers are reached. Also, the tail seems to warp when printing, probably needs some cooling to avoid the thin layers of plastic warping.

A bit of stringing going on and the layers don't appear to be cooling fast enough. I'll try recalibrating the printer and print with some infill.

Disaster.... No! ... the printhead clogged. I'll clear and switch filament....

No! ... clogged again ... I'll clear it and try again ...

Grrrr ... the nylon throat pipe has bent ...

Sigh ... time to order a replacement.


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3d Printing

3d printing

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